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Nemecké vojnové hroby na území Slovenskej republiky. 2 časť


German Military Graves in Slovakia, Part II.


ŠUMICHRAST, Peter: German military graves in Slovakia. Part II.

Vojenská história, 4, 14, 2010, pp. 80–95.

The author in his published study deals with the topic of military graves, especially those originating back in the WWII. He stems from the fact that there are 23 997 graves of the members of the German Armed Forces killed in Slovakia between 1939- 1945 who were then under the protection by the humanitarian law. On behalf of some preserved sources we can obviously assume that German military graves during the war in Slovakia were established also in some parts of local graveyards set apart. One of those graveyards is located in Krupina. The second group of such graves are those established aft er the overpass of the front on the local graveyards of some villages and towns nearby the battlefields. It was on the graveyards where the German soldiers were buried aft er the battles; since the German Armed Force could not provide them, due to the situation on the front , any other adequate burial. That was the reason why the local citizens must have taken over the care for the actions. The third group is formed by those German soldiers’ graves killed or died in the battlefields. In this case the German army was not allowed, due to the situation on the front, to burry the remains of the soldiers, and thus were buried near the battlefields. All those graves are not precisely documented by the German Armed Force. We can find the documentation in the reports of police stations, or in the exhumation reports of the Czechoslovak Armed force.

Key words: Military History. Slovakia. WWII. Military graveyards.

Ročník: 14 | Číslo: 4/2010 | Stránky: 80-95

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