Vojenské doktríny
Military doctrines
Autor: KOSTREC Bohumil
KOSTREC, Bohumil – NIŽŇANSKÝ, Jaroslav: Vojenské doktríny.
KOSTREC, Bohumil – NIŽŇANSKÝ, Jaroslav: Military doctrines.
Vojenská história, 4, 14, 2010, pp. 136–146.
The authors in the introduction focus on the character and the importance of the military doctrine. They claim that military doctrine is written as a draft for the comprehension of the issue, meanwhile it is a system of instructions how to solve it. Military doctrines at their higher level determine the philosophy (conception) and the rules of the approach to military operations. The task of the type of doctrines is to defi ne the fundaments for the comprehension of the usage of armed forces as a system and provide the platforms for its practical application – the usage of armed forces in life. Military doctrines at their lower level describe procedures of the branches and departments of Armed Forces parts and the ways of military activities and tactical tasks.
Key words: Military norms. Slovakia. Contemporary.
Ročník: 14 | Číslo: 4/2010 | Stránky: 136-146