Magazine – Vojenská história (Military history)
Magazine Vojenská história included in the SCOPUS database
Magazine for military history, museology and archival science
ISSN 1338-7154 (online version) and ISSN 1335-3314 (printed version)

Focus of the Journal
The scientific reviewed journal Vojenská história (Military History) is a scientific journal for military history, museology and archives, which has been published since 1997. Since 1 January 2006, its publisher has been the Institute of Military History (hereinafter referred to as the "IMH") in Bratislava. It is the only scientific journal focused on military history, archives and museology in Slovakia. The purpose of the journal is to bring the latest research results in the fields related to military history, military archival science, military museology or related disciplines. At the same time, the journal’s ambition is to provide space for debate papers that are in line with the journal‘s focus. Finally, the purpose of the journal is to contribute to the education of members of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, the employees of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic, as well as the professional and public audience, and to contribute to the building of historical awareness in Slovak society. The journal does not publish advertising texts. Due to its narrow thematic profile, it serves the professional purposes of the MOD, scientific institutions and educational institutions. Non-professionals may find the journal in all academic, state scientific, regional and regional libraries.
The journal Vojenská história is published 4 times a year; in March, June, September, and December, and has a circulation of 400 copies. Copies are distributed primarily to authors, partner scholarly institutions, public libraries, and the Ministry of Defence of Slovak Republic. The online version of the journal is freely accessible without charge (Open Access). Individual issues of the journal are archived electronically in pdf format. Articles published in the journal are licensed under Creative Commons Atribution 4.0 International Public Licence (CC BY 4.0): https: //, which allows sharing and adaptation of licensed material in any medium and format for others, provided that the original work is properly cited, all changes are properly marked, and the license is properly linked.
The journal publishes studies in Slovak, Czech and English. Studies in Slovak and Czech also have short English and German abstracts; studies published in English have abstracts in Slovak and German.
The Editorial Board of the journal is an advisory body to the publisher (editor-in-chief), the Director of the Institute of Military History, who appoints its members from among domestic as well as foreign experts in the field of military history, military archives and military museology. The Board decides on the content of each issue and also proposes reviewers.
The journal Vojenská história is published 4 times a year; in March, June, September, and December, and has a circulation of 400 copies. Copies are distributed primarily to authors, partner scholarly institutions, public libraries, and the Ministry of Defence of Slovak Republic. The online version of the journal is freely accessible without charge (Open Access). Individual issues of the journal are archived electronically in pdf format. Articles published in the journal are licensed under Creative Commons Atribution 4.0 International Public Licence (CC BY 4.0): https: //, which allows sharing and adaptation of licensed material in any medium and format for others, provided that the original work is properly cited, all changes are properly marked, and the license is properly linked.
The journal publishes studies in Slovak, Czech and English. Studies in Slovak and Czech also have short English and German abstracts; studies published in English have abstracts in Slovak and German.
The Editorial Board of the journal is an advisory body to the publisher (editor-in-chief), the Director of the Institute of Military History, who appoints its members from among domestic as well as foreign experts in the field of military history, military archives and military museology. The Board decides on the content of each issue and also proposes reviewers.
Editorial Board of the Journal Military History:
PhDr. Igor Baka, PhD. (Chairman) – Institute of Military History, Bratislava; PhDr. Milena Balcová (Vice-Chairman) – Institute of Military History – Military History Archive, Bratislava; PhDr. Viliam Čičaj, PhD. – Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Bratislava; Ass. Prof. Michal Habaj, PhD. – Masaryk University, Brno; PhDr. Viera Jurková – Institute of Military History – Military History Muzeum, Piešťany; Peter Kralčák, PhD. – Institute of Military History - Military History Archive, Bratislava; prof. Miroslav Lysý, PhD. – Faculty of Law of the Comenius University, Bratislava; PhDr. Slavomír Michálek, DrSc. – Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Bratislava; PhDr. Richard Pavlovič, PhD. – State Archives, Košice; Doc. PhDr. Vladimír Segeš, PhD. – Institute of Military History, Bratislava; PhDr. Michal Schvarc, PhD. Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i.; doc. PhDr. Marek Syrný, PhD. Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica; Col. (ret.) PhDr. Peter Šumichrast, PhD. – Institute of Military History, Bratislava; PhDr. Marian Uhrin, PhD. – Museum of the Slovak National Uprising, Banska Bystrica
International Editorial Circle of the Journal Military History:
Col. prof. Dr. Tibor Balla, DrSc. – Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Hadtudományi és Honvédtisztképző Kar, Budapest; Dr. István Janek, PhD. – Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet, Budapest; PhDr. Michal Lukeš, PhD. – National Museum, Prague; Mateusz Gniazdowski, PhD. – Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the Czech Republic, Prague; PhDr. Jiří Rajlich, Ph.D. – Military History Institute, Prague; Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr., UNC/CFC, HQ U.S. Forces Korea (FKHO); Dr. Martin Zückert, Collegium Carolinum e.v., Forschungsinstitut für die Geschichte Tschechiens und der Slowakei, Munich.
The journal is indexed in international databases:
The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)
European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
Index Copernicus (ICI)
The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)
European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
Index Copernicus (ICI)
Institute of Military History, Krajná 27, 821 04 Bratislava
Editorial Office
Editor and Editor-in-Chief: Col. Miloslav Čaplovič, PhD. (Institute of Military History)
Editorial Board: Peter Chorvát, PhD., Matej Medvecký, PhD., Katarína Mináriková, PhD. (Institute of Military History)
Editorial Board: Peter Chorvát, PhD., Matej Medvecký, PhD., Katarína Mináriková, PhD. (Institute of Military History)
Tel: +421 2 482 077 13