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The basic information on the Museum of Military History


The Museum of Military History (MMH) Piešťany is part of the The Institute of Military History (IMH) Bratislava, which was established by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic No. 27 of 26. 4. 1994. MMH was registered with the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic in 1998 with registration document MK 2156/98-400. Originally located in Trenčín, it was moved to Piešťany in 2004.

The mission of the Museum is to cultivate national military historical awareness and esteem in one's own statehood, respect for the military traditions of the Slovak Nation and to represent the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic to the public.

Professional focus and specialization of the Museum: in accordance with the registration document and the provisions of Act No. 206/2009 Coll. on museums and galleries and on the protection of objects of cultural value and on the amendment of the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on misdemeanors, as amended, it is a national specialized museum, the top collection-building, scientific-research and cultural-educational institution in the field of its specialization. At the same time, it is the main informative, methodological, coordination, and educational center for museum activities in the field of its specialization.

MMH in accordance with Act No. 206/2009 Coll. on museums and galleries and on the protection of objects of cultural value and on the amendment of the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on offences as amended, Museum performs the following tasks:
•    performs top-level collection-building activities in the field of its specialization;
•    performs comprehensive museum documentation and ensures all-round protection of exhibition and depository spaces, as well as objects in which collection items and items of museum value are stored;
•    performs professional protection of collection items including basic care, conservation and restoration;
•    ensures preventive protection and professional storage of collection items;
•    ensures protection of collection items during their relocation, making them accessible and use;
•    performs categorization of collection items and their revision;
•    provides data to the central registry of collection items;
•    uses and makes collection items accessible in the form of permanent exhibitions, long-term and short-term exhibitions, publication and editorial activities, educational activities and scientific research activities.
As of 31 December 2023,  MMH registers 20 698 objects in the collection fund, included in 22 museum collections.
In 2021, the MMH was accepted as a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), an international organisation representing museums and museum staff. Since 1946, it has been helping its members fulfil their mission of preserving and disseminating cultural heritage. ICOM has more than 32,000 members and is made up of national committees representing 136 countries and international committees, bringing together Museum professionals from around the world on the basis of specialisation. IMH - MMH operates within the Slovak Committee of ICOM and has representatives in international committees - the International Committee for Museology (ICOFOM) and the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Arms and Military History (ICOMAM). ( 

IMH - MMH is also a full member of the Union of Museums in Slovakia (UMS)- a professional interest association of museums in Slovakia, which from 2023 also has a representative on the Board of the UMS. The IMH - MMH also has a representative in its professional commission - the Professional Commission for Professional Museum Activities of the UMS. (

MMH Piešt'any basicaly manages and coordinates the activities of its two museum departments:

  • The Museum Branch Piešťany with permanent exhibitions "Czechoslovak Army Armament in the years 1945 - 1992" and "Slovaks in uniforms 1848 - 2020".
  • The Museum Branch Svidník with the central exposition "Military History of Slovakia in the Years 1914 - 1945" and the exposition "Dukla Battlefield in the Changes of Time" (Observation Tower at Dukla).

Letecký pohľad na areál VHÚ - VHM Piešťany - 8.9.2012

 Aerial view of the VHM Piestany (sept. 2012)



Budova Centrálnej expozície Vojenského historického múzea MO Svidník

Budova Centrálnej expozície Vojenského historického múzea MO Svidník (2018)


The Director of MMH: LTC. Ing. Milan KUBIZNIAK
Tel.: 00421 33 791 3801 
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